
Scottish Pensions Bulletin 62 March 2023

Fight to defend decent pensions!

  1. Fight to defend pensions
  2. Pension rises
  3. Seminar and Training
  4. National Care Service
  5. NHS update

The alert has been raised that more employers are seeking to pull out of the LGPS and other Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes. Three employers have been highlighted in the higher education sector (Dundee, Abertay, and Robert Gordon), and three in the CVS sector – River Clyde Homes, Autism Scotland and Citizens and Rights Fife (CARF). To their credit, CARF pulled back from changes, and UNISON members in Dundee put up a terrific fight to minimise the damage, but elsewhere schemes are being downgraded; replaced with inferior “Defined Contribution” (DC) schemes, or closed to new members.